So I really wasn't sure what I was going to do for this project so I just used the metallic part of my ear buds, because they represent me (duh) and layered them (hundreds of times) and set that as my background. Then, I used a series of photographs given to me for my birthday (shoutout to kira) and used the heart as my focal point.There were, also some mysterious flowers laying around my house and I really liked the colors of them so I incorporated them into my project. Oh and then I really like american eagle's clothes so I took the eagle from a bag that I had taken a picture of and rotated and played with the size of them in photoshop and created a cool design in the corner. I did really like how my project turned out and I'm really thankful that it's finally done and now I can continue to work on composite yay!!
I would still like you to try a tutorial and post it please. You will learn something... and that is why I had you do this post.