Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Inspiration- contrast

While on the airplane, I thought it would be nice to capture something for the contrast blog. It surprisingly turned out pretty well, which i'm thankful for so here it is.
I think the contrast between the dark gray wing of the plane and the bright white clouds and bright blue sky creates a really nice image. The bright light coming through the windows of the plane also, created a great contrast with the dark interior of the plane.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


So I didn't really need a tutorial for my montage, so I figured that I would just show you my project....but I'm not home and that's at home. So.....I'll just talk about it then!!! Get excited!!
So I really wasn't sure what I was going to do for this project so I just used the metallic part of my ear buds, because they represent me (duh) and layered them (hundreds of times) and set that as my background. Then, I used a series of photographs given to me for my birthday (shoutout to kira) and used the heart as my focal point.There were, also some mysterious flowers laying around my house and I really liked the colors of them so I incorporated them into my project. Oh and then I really like american eagle's clothes so I took the eagle from a bag that I had taken a picture of and rotated and played with the size of them in photoshop and created a cool design in the corner. I did really like how my project turned out and I'm really thankful that it's finally done and now I can continue to work on composite yay!!

Inspiration- 1 thing, 3 different ways.

I'm featuring Tony again because I miss him a lot and he's just so lovable and photogenic. I can remember the exact reason that I took each of these three pictures just by his facial expression.

He desperately wanted the bacon that I was eating in my other hand. And he just looks so slim, I mean look at that. He's so cute. Anyways, he was trying ridiculously hard to get that bacon and I thought it was hilarious because he just ate his whole bowl of food. 

He was extraordinarily annoyed because I had brushed his fur backwards and he was not having that so he stopped purring and glared at me until I brushed it back down normally. Sassy. 

I had just turned on the TV while he was napping and he was annoyed to say the least. I woke him up and he was like "not uh. stop it. when is she leaving." Plus I just really like this angle of his face because he just looks so fluffy and adorable.

Inspiration- something funny

I find this to be literally the funniest thing I have ever seen. I mean nothing can beat a fat cat rolling around on the floor. So this is my sisters obese cat rolling. He literally flops back and forth that's how fat he is. Anyway, his name is Tony and he's just the funniest thing I've ever seen and I love him. He easily makes my life when I go down to visit my sister.
Look at him, trying so hard to propel himself to his other side. You can see the inner turmoil as he's trying to find that strength to flip back over. Life's so hard.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Poster Design

For the poster design project, I decided to do Twelfth Night because I thought it would be an interesting play (and I heard that She's the Man was based off of the play and it's quite possibly my favorite movie of all time). I used the fact that the play is based for the most part on the beach, and used a picture of the beach and the pier that I took this summer and a wheel, which is a prop that they're going to use for the musical. I really liked for the most part how my project turned out, (I don't have pictures of it) but I love the contrast between the darker wheel and the bright sea and how I could incorporate a picture of my favorite place into my projects at school. It was fun to make even though it was a bit tiring and time consuming at times, but it was a good experience overall!